Featured Poet

Peggy DuVall

Peggy DuVall grew up a woods hermit in rural Pennsylvania, and has barely changed her ways, though she thrived as a San Francisco hippie girl, became a bold woman, and lives in a little house in Ashland, Oregon now. She writes poetry as though it was a saving grace, and other than what she shares with her writers group, hoards it mostly for herself. Who knows, perhaps she'll push it all out there one of these days, though it feels like jumping off a cliff and hoping she'll find wings. Okay, close your eyes, deep breath..........Remember, bold, bold.........

poems by Peggy DuVall

This presentation is for non-commercial, educational purposes only. All ownership rights of the content, including copyright, belong to the artist, unless otherwise noted.

Recognizing the need for poetry in our lives, the Oregon Poetic Voices Project (OPV) is a comprehensive digital archive of poetry readings that will complement existing print collections of poetry across the state.

"We each carry lines of poetry with us. Words that others have written float back to us and stay with us, indelibly. We clutch these "life lines" like totems, repeat them as mantras, and summon them for comfort and laughter."

-Academy of American Poets